Using your cell phone, simply text your prayer request to (866) 644-2623.
Text messages to this phone number are confidential and viewed only by our pastoral and prayer teams.
Prayer is an essential ministry of New Spirit Church. That is why we created a dedicated platform for prayer. We use this platform to pray for the community, which includes your specific needs. We'll pray for you whether you're part of our church family or not.
We value vulnerability in prayer. Your prayer request is never too big, messy, or personal for us or for God.
We value confidentiality. Any person can make a prayer request, but only members of our church can view them. This system prevents companies like Google and Facebook from indexing your prayer requests. If you need added confidentiality, you can choose to share your request with just the lead pastor and prayer team.
At New Spirit Church, we believe in miracles - that out of compassion, God sometimes heals and blesses people for His glory. We also trust that God has a plan that doesn't always include miracles for us. So, we pray boldly for miracles, but we're humbly okay with God's answers.